Blake Chrusciel

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TIP 20..? IDK, my first year, it was a CRISIS camp

She was hella young and made friends with which she still keeps in contact, at least she did in 2018. She had her first relationtip with a boy named Bill. They were pretty serious for approx. 3 days.

TIP 2016

It was a dark and stormy night, the first Sunday of the term... it was literally stormy and it wasn't fun. Blake woke up shivering and nauseated. She decided the wise decision would be to go to bed and pretend it wasn't happening... spoiler alert, it still happened. On the second Monday during Georgia Tech Term 2(2016), Blake's kidney became completely awful and had an awful disease (a kidney infection, kidney stones, e. coli, and she eventually went septic) that was so bad that she almost died. Literally. It got to the point where her parents were contacted to say their goodbyes. She survived. After a week of being gone, she finally returned with no warning and just strolled into breakfast and chilled. She then enjoyed the rest of her term in peace. However she is still a walking corpse. RIP She was in Rachel's R2D2's.

TIP 2017

On the last Friday of TIP term 1 at Rice, Blake became sick once again, but not as serious this time. She basically puked up all her guts (cute), and then had a bad headache. She blames Fish to this day for giving her this awful ailment. She also broke her toe on the last day by being a noodley boi and then hitting her pinky toe on a wall. Blake took the class Historical Epidemiology (probably to figure out how not to get sick from E. Coli again) and was in Claudia's RC group, aka the Krabby Patties, and acted as one of the Shangs in the Mulan TIPsync performance. She choreographed TIPsync and they won.

TIP 2018

*in progress*
Best Women's Group in TIPsync
Kira's RC group

Tech term 2