Boom squad (Frisbee team)

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Term 1 2015

Not much of them is known except that they lost to Black Magic [[ ]]

Term 2 2015

A team started and recruited by Danny Sharp and Jimmy Mcshane, this team is the first student team to beat the legendary Team Team. Boom Squad then went on to defeat the Thundercats and the Staff Team without dropping more than 2 points per game to their opponents. This team was made for the great under-utilized 2nd and 3rd years. This team would not have been made possible without one fateful evening activity of ultimate with a majority of the team assigned there or in Physics of Energy Term 2 2015 with Danny or Jimmy.


Danny Sharp (4th year)

Jimmy McShane (4th year)

Robert Pierrard (3rd year)

Mason Boenning (3rd year)

Nate Stumpff (3rd year)

Austin Aldana (3rd year)

Elizabeth Nguyen (3rd year)

Ethan Wetherington (4th year)

Andy Lenz (4th year)

Ted Peterson (2nd year)

Jackson Kennedy (3rd year)