Brandon’s Group

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Brandon's 2014 RC Group at Rice University during term 2 consisted of the following fourth year boys:

  • Alex - Most likely to outbeard Bradley
  • Bradley - Most likely to be a lumberjack
  • Brandon - Most likely to be playing pool
  • Chris - Most likely to go to the ER
  • Jake - Most likely to own a yacht
  • Kyle - Most likely to go unnoticed
  • Nate - Most likely to conquer the world
  • Nick - Most likely to have a shoe thrown off a balcony
  • Ragan - Most likely to buy things
  • Sam - Most likely to not have a most likely to
  • Taigon - Most likely to win a poker match
  • Theo - Most likely to sweep someone off their feet
  • Uduak - Most likely to be late
  • Brandon (RC) - Most likely to take your cell phone

The group placed 3rd place in Roll Call for their performance of 'For the First Time in Forever.' In their performance the group depicted the experience of a tipster arriving to TiP for the first time through their fourth year. The group was infamous for their daily Happy Birthday serenade to Brandon, which drew both criticism and praise.

"We are what we repeatedly do, excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." -Aristotle