From the archives of TiPWiki, the unofficial Duke TIP Wiki
Bronies are male teenage to adult fans of the My Little Pony: Freindship is Magic show. Especially at New College Term 2, many baronies could be found wearing shirts, buttons, and the like. Eventually, the entire population of W dorm had owed its allegiance to ponies.
List of Known Bronies
If you are a briny who isn't included, please feel free to add yourself
. Jack C.: along with Jacob, the originator oft he briny movement of W dorm. . Jacob: co originator . All of W: converted after a fantastic Rc group night. . Steve: ob before camp(original br0ny.)
To be a Reconized Brony Follower on this page, Follow these instructions
"*DukeTIPschool your at,Date/Year,Name,RC Group" (i.e Trinity,2245,John,Emma)
- Trinity Uni,2015,Unknown,Unknown