Channons rc group
From the archives of TiPWiki, the unofficial Duke TIP Wiki
the best RC and group to ever exist!
Davidson Term I: 2014
Grace - the teller of cow jokes, eater of honey buns, and receiver of many other titles
she drank a total of 20 mello yello bottles from the vending machine in 3 weeks
Sam (Senorito #1)- prone to bursts of strange noises and crying in the middle of the halls.
Kes - the only person that actually liked the cow jokes
Stephanie - good at dissecting rats
Emily - good at hair. Sang a lot.
Becky - super cool. Hyper without mello yello.
Zoey - had a giant stash of candy. Introduced us to uncle jimmy.
Karen - the official drinker of Gatorade
Sarah- starter of the dead baby jokes
Heather - finder of Steve the balloon