Ethan McIntyre

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Ethan McIntyre

New College Term II

Ethan's first TIP experience. Ethan was a part of upper V and was a part of Jeff's Gents (commoy known as the Jeffiites or Skypeople.) Ethan was in the Searching For Clues (Murder Mystery) class. He was often seen in the Z dorms with Jessie's Girls and/or DJs Cereal Daters. Ethan is known for popularizing the baconhawk scream, suggesting the yellow team mascot for Palm Fest (Honey Badger,) winning TIPSync along with upper V, being a stereotypical baseball player, and having the ugliest aviators on campus, which Emma had the urge to snap. Ethan was also known for being a dead baby joke master( no he was not, Jin was) and wear the frozen t-shirt in record time during Palm Fest. He was one of the enthusiastic cross dressers on Wacky Wednesday and was constantly letting people hurt themselves in an attempt to bring him pain. Other accomplishments were popularizing invisible dates (which caused other guys to be jealous) starting a tebow mob at the first dance as well as being an original member of the dubstep seizure group. Also known for attempting to teach Emma how to punch, being "friendly" to Valentina, and going to the dance with Taylor. Ethan has also been tied up with duck tape and held captive by Jessie's girls and Emma.