Group chats

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Group chats were the most popular way for tipsters to stay in touch or get in touch between the 2015 term and 2016 term. GroupMes were created with anywhere from 10 to 70 tipsters, from 2015 terms and for the upcoming 2016 term.


  • UGA Term 1 2015 kids, as a whole, made a GroupMe with 61 tipsters on it, and it was a blast. As the year went on, it got a little less busy, but talk about the 2016 election season and Jacob's thoughts were constants even as the year went on
    • Lots of RC Groups made chats too, and lots of them stayed very active
    • Cassidy's Pusheen Baller chat did highs and lows every single night (and only missed two nights)
    • Caroline's RC group is still very active, with the addition of 4 members not in the RC group. Some things that often occur in the GroupMe:
      • Fighting between Megan and Jacob
      • Jacob leaving the chat because he's mad
      • Crying because of various funny things and goats
      • Screaming
  • UGA Term 1 2016 tipsters made a chat that was originally called "Newbies" and was to talk to a tipsters who were considering applying to UGA instead of Rice. But then as class announcements came in, it was changed to "UGA Term 1 2016" and 36 people were added. They talked a lot about Hamilton and Being Gay (patent pending), along with other things. IT'S PRETTY LIT!!!!!!!!!