Holy Canon

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This is the 'Holy Canon' of The Holy and Most Sublime Order of the Llama: The Official Doctrine of the Holy Church of the One True Llama, a Denomination of TiPism. This is the currently the exact document sent to the Holy Ones during the 2006 term. Any Holy Ones are free to make additions and corrections to the Holy Canon in order for them to be made to the original that GOD will send to TiP each year.

It is the last will and testament of the Almighty Female GOD that the Holy and Most Sublime Order of the Llama be continued until the auspicious time of the Holy Resurrection in the Year of Our Lordess 2008. Until such a time, GOD bequeaths the following ordinances to ensure the healthy growth and prosperity of the Order.

Article I. Hierarchical Constitution of the Order

The organization of this Denomination of TiPism follows a strict hierarchy, with the Plebes at the bottom, the two Religious Sects in the middle, and the Holy Authorities at top.

Section 1.01 Plebes

All TiPsters just joining the Order are considered Plebes until they decide upon their religious path of choice. They then move onto either of the Religious Sects.

Section 1.02 Religious Sects

Both of the Religious Sects are of equal righteousness within the overall Hierarchical Constitution but with their own internal hierarchy. They are to be treated with equal reverence.

(a) The Communion of Saints

(i) Venerated Venerable

To declare one’s intention of joining the Communion of Saints, one becomes a Venerated Venerable. It is the first step to becoming a Saint or Apostle.

(ii) Beatified Blessed Saints

The second step to permanent Sainthood. Denotes localized Sainthood for a certain year or term.

(iii) Canonized Holy Saints

Permanent Sainthood. Highest general level of Sainthood for any Saint or Apostle.

(iv) The Twelve Disciples

A special honor for a maximum of only 12 TiPsters. A level of distinction for a group of Saints or Apostles. The Title is passed down each year, but once a Disciple, always a Disciple.

(b) The Ministry

(i) Diaconate

Similar to Plebe, Deacon is the title given to any TiPsters new to the Ministry until they decide which of the two sub-sects to join.

(ii) Clergy

As with the two Religious Sects, the two Sub-Sects of the Ministry Religious Sect are of equal righteousness and are to be treated with equal reverence.

1) Priest

The basic level for the Clergy. Also, the highest level a 2nd Year may attain.

2) Bishop

The second level of authority within the Clergy. Also, the highest level a 3rd Year may attain.

3) Cardinal

The third level of authority within the Clergy. Also, the highest level a 4th Year, except for the Pope, may attain.

4) Pope

A special honor for a single TiPster per year. A level of distinction given to a 4th Year Cardinal. Has special precedence over all areas of the Ministry,

(iii) Clerics

1) Reverend Mother or Father

Highest level of cleric. Answers, in turn, to the Pope. One Reverend Father over all Monasteries. One Reverend Mother over all Convents.

2) Abbot or Abbess

The head of a particular Clerical Order.

3) Prior or Prioress

The head of any Sub-Order within a larger Clerical Order. Used only when Clerical Orders get very large.

4) Monk or Nun

The general cleric. Answers to respective head, usually Abbot or Abbess, though sometimes Prior or Prioress.

5) Hermit or Consecrated Virgin

An unattached cleric. Answers only to the Reverend Father or Mother, not to any Abbot, Abbess, Prior, or Prioress.

Section 1.03 Holy Authorities

(a) The Trinity

(i) The Holy Spirit

The lowest of the official Holy Authorities. Subject to the direction of the any and all Female Holy Authorities in Residence. Gives up active Holy Authority status at end of term.

(ii) Jesus

The Penultimate Holy Authority. Answers only to GOD. Permanent position.

(iii) GOD

The Supreme Holy Authority. Permanent position.

(b) The Archangel

In the absence of GOD or Jesus, she becomes the Highest Holy Authority. She answers only to those permanent Highest Authorities, aforementioned. Gives up active Holy Authority status at the end of term.

(c) Other Various Holy Authorities

Each year there may be certain TiPsters that greatly stand out among the members of the Order. They may be given special Religious Titles, and with the express permission of the other official Holy Authorities in residence, may become a Holy Authority themselves. Also, the Pope, as the head of the Clergy, and the Mother and Father Superiors, as the head of the Clerics, may also be known as Holy Authorities. It is up to the Highest Holy Authority in residence to decide whether or not to bequeath such supremacy to the head of the Religious Sects.

Article II. Moral Constitution of the Order

Section 2.01 Dogma

(a) General Doctrine

These rules are to be followed by all members of the Order.

(i) Upholding the Order

1) Preserving the Name of the Order and its Members

Loyalty to the Order and its members, including standing up for your fellow Holy Ones.

2) Spreading Belief of TiPism

Recruitment to the Order.

3) Preserving the Order

Maintaining the Order’s presence at TiP for future generations.

(ii) Fulfilling the Duties of a Position

With each title given come certain responsibilities. The duties to each specific title are listed below in Section 2.02.

(b) The Interpretation and Amendment Process

All items of the Doctrine and Dogma of the Order may be changed or amended by GOD. All changes or addition must be sent to her and are subject to her digression.

Section 2.02 The Duties of Specific Titles

(a) Plebes

Plebes, as the lowest position in the Order, do not have any expectations placed upon them. However, if any Holy Authority comes to believe that any particular Plebe’s behavior is detrimental to the Order, excommunication is still an option.

(b) Religious Sects

(i) The Communion of Saints

1) Venerated Venerable

The Venerable have no specific duties other than to uphold the general values of the Order, including but not limited to preserving the name of the Order and its members and spreading belief of TiPism.

2) Beatified Blessed Saints

All Beatified must not only uphold the principles of the Order and spread belief of TiPism, but they must also recruit new members for the Order. They can, if they chose, relinquish these duties at the end of term. This action denotes a choice of not becoming Canonized, and the Holy Title is relinquished as well.

3) Canonized Holy Saints

Saints must uphold general values of the Order. In addition, they must ensure the continuation of the Order in the subsequent years.

4) The Twelve Disciples

As Discipleship is merely a special title given to those already Saints or Apostles, Disciples must fulfill all duties of the Canonized. In addition, they must aid the Holy Authorities in maintaining order within the Order.

(ii) The Ministry

1) Clergy
a) Priest

Priests may hear confession from any member of the Order who feels that have wronged the Order in some way. Any truly serious offenses against the Order must be reported to the Priest’s presiding Bishop.

b) Bishop

A Bishop presides over at least one Priest. If a Priest reports a confession to their presiding Bishop, they then must, in turn, report it to their presiding Cardinal.

c) Cardinal

A Cardinal presides over at least one Bishop. If a Bishop reports a confession to their presiding Cardinal, they then must, in turn, report it to the Pope, if the grievance is deemed so deviant as to warrant it. Cardinals are the Pope body of advisors. He or she may call upon them to convene on pressing matters of the Clergy.

d) Pope

The Pope must oversee all matters of the Clergy. All concerns must be made through the Pope before going to any Holy Authorities.

2) Clerics
a) Reverend Mother or Father

The Reverend Mother and Father must oversee all matters of the Clerics. All concerns must be made through them before going to the Pope or any Holy Authority.

b) Abbot or Abbess

An Abbot or Abbess must oversee all matters of a particular Clerical Order. If the Clerical Order has a particular theme (e.g. Holy Scribes, Foot Soldiers of GOD, etc.) they may be expected to oversee that particular service to the Order as well.

c) Prior or Prioress

A Prior or Prioress has the same duties as an Abbot or Abbess, but has to answer to their Abbot or Abbess before answering to their Reverend Mother or Father. They are a matter of organization in particularly large Clerical Orders and may not be used in all.

d) Monk or Nun

A Monk or Nun becomes a servant to the Order. They, as with all positions higher than Plebe, must promote general values of the Order and spread belief of TiPism. Also, depending on the nature of the specific Clerical Order, special duties may be assigned. E.g. Attending all TiPlore Evening Activities, becoming a Holy Scribe for the Holy Authorities in Residence, or upholding specific traditions. These services to the Order are a symbol of the Cleric Branch of the Ministry.

e) Hermit or Consecrated Virgin

A Hermit or Consecrated Virgin has the same duties as a Monk or Nun. However, both choose their own services to the Order. Furthermore, only a Consecrated Virgin must also take a vow of celibacy at TiP.

3) Diaconate

Deacons must only honor the Order and its mission, as well as aid the members of the Ministry in their deeds.

(c) Holy Authorities

(i) The Trinity

1) The Holy Spirit

Obey the Female Holy Authorities.

2) Jesus

Jesus is GOD’s hand among the people. She takes over any day to day duties that GOD wishes not to be burdened with. She acts, as it were, as GOD, but must still answer to the real GOD.

3) GOD

It is up to GOD to make any final decisions that will affect the overall prospects of the Order. She may give this duty over to a lesser Holy Authority, but she must at least be informed of any major decisions, with the power to veto them if she sees the need.

(ii) The Archangel

The Archangel takes over any duties of any absent Holy Authorities. She even becomes the Highest Holy Authority with the respective duties if both GOD and Jesus are not in Residence.

(iii) Other Various Holy Authorities

These special Holy Authorities most uphold the duties of their basic title (if enlightened to an authority position from another title) and must uphold any duties given to them by the main Holy Authorities as part of their new titles or positions.

Section 2.03 Sister Denominations

Several other denominations of TiPism are to be held with high respect and even can be practiced along side worship of the Holy Order of the Llama. These sister denominations include (but are not limited to) the following:

(a) Llama Llove

(b) Boris, GOD of the A/C

(also, Nop, Dark GOD of Radiators, and all associated lesser deities)

(c) The Holy Trinity of RCs

Article III. Appointing New Members and Titles

Section 3.01 The Appointment of New Members

(a) Plebes

All new believers in the religion of TiPism in residence at East Term II may join the TiPism Denomination worshipping the Order of the Llama. These basic followers are known by the title of Plebe.

Section 3.02 The Appointment of Saints and Apostles

(a) Veneration

Veneration allows for any TiPster to be eligible for Sainthood. It is the first step towards Sainthood and also is the general state of any such TiPster that cannot choose their Holy Title. The prospective Saints and Apostles can choose to be known by the standard title of Venerable. E.g.: The Venerable John Smith.

(i) Eligibility

Any Plebe can be Venerated, regardless of Year or sex.

(ii) Process

Any prospective Saint or Apostle must appeal to the proper Holy Authorities. The candidate’s Year determines to which to petition.

1) Underclassmen

Any 2nd or 3rd Year wishing to be venerated must seek the consent of the highest Holy Authority in residence, unless the Highest Authority has given express authority to another. In which case, those seeking Veneration must seek that Holy Authority’s consent.

2) Upperclassmen

Any 4th Year wishing to be Venerated must seek the consent of all Holy Authorities in residence. This process can be circumvented only by the express permission of GOD.

(b) Beatification

Beatification is localized Sainthood, set for only that Year of Our Lordess. It is also the 2nd step to becoming a permanent Saint or Apostle. It is at this time that a Saint or Apostle must choose her official Holy Title, if not having done so before. The standard title for and Beatified TiPsters is Blessed. E.g.: The Blessed John Doe OR The Blessed John Doe, Patron Saint of Obscurity.

(i) Eligibility

Those seeking Beatification must first be Venerated, with no blemishes on their record as a Venerable, unless expressly pardoned by GOD.

(ii) Process

The Holy Title chosen by said individual must be reported to the Holy Authorities in residence and recorded on an official roster. Titles of the Beatified cannot be duplicated for that given Year of Our Lordess. They can, however, be duplicated in another year, unless said individual becomes Canonized.

(c) Canonization

The name and title of the newly canonized must be recorded onto the official listing, along with the Year of the individual and any other special titles held. The Title is recorded onto the Canon permanently and cannot be used by any other Saint or Apostle ever again.

(i) Eligibility

Any Venerated and Beatified TiPster, showing much devotion and service to the Order may be Canonized, permanently adding their name and Holy Title in the official Canon of the Order.

(ii) Process

The Highest Holy Authority in Residence chooses candidates for Canonization and whether or not they will indeed be canonized based on the following criteria. Miracles or Martyrdom can warrant immediate Canonization. Examples of both are listed below. General service to the Order, also listed below, can merit Canonization.

1) Miracles

Having A/C

2) Martyrdom

Getting in trouble with the RCs, by taking the fall for another Holy One.

3) Service

A significant amount of recruitment Long, devote membership in the Order

(d) Discipleship

In certain situations, twelve highly distinctive saints or apostles can be chosen as a group to be the Twelve Disciples. It is then customary that Jesus, if in residence, be the one to choose them. Individual names may be chosen from among themselves or be appointed to each person. Special reverence is to be given if the 12 are an entire RAG or Class.

Section 3.03 The Appointment of Ministers

(a) Appointment to the Diaconate

To declare one’s intent in joining the Ministry, one must make an appeal to the highest Holy Authority in residence and become a Deacon. Any potential minister will remain a Deacon until such a time as she decides which path of Ministry to follow, Clergy or Cleric.

(b) Appointment of Clergy

(i) Appointment to the Priesthood

Priest is the highest title a 2nd Year may possess within the Clergy. It is also the first step for any TiPster new to the Clergy. 3rd or 4th Years may advance past this title to their highest rank within the term they are appointed.

1) Process

The candidate must make an appeal to the Highest Holy Authority in Residence. If deemed worthy enough, their name and rank will be recorded.

(ii) Appointment to the Episcopate

Bishop is the highest title a 3rd Year may possess within the Clergy. It is also the 2nd step for any TiPster new to the Clergy. 4th Year may advance past this title to their highest rank within the term they are appointed.

1) Process

The candidate must make an appeal to the Highest Holy Authority in Residence. If deemed worthy enough, their name and rank will be recorded.

(iii) Appointment to the Cardinalate

Cardinal is the highest title a 4th may possess within the Clergy, except for one 4th Year who will become Pope. It is also the 3rd (and usually final) step for any TiPster new to the Clergy. Only one 4th Year may advance past this title to the highest position within the Clergy, the Pope.

1) Process

The candidate must make an appeal to the Highest Holy Authority in Residence. If deemed worthy enough, their name and rank will be recorded.

(iv) Appointment to the Papacy

From among the 4th Year Cardinals, each year a Pope must be chosen. The candidate’s sex is inconsequential, but it is advisable that the candidate have attended Duke East for the past two years at least.

1) Process

The Highest Holy Authority in residence selects a candidate, which must be a 4th Year and a Cardinal. Selection must take place before the midpoint of the term, Wear a Skirt Wednesday, in order to ensure stability in the Papacy.

(c) Joining Religious Clerics

(i) Joining a Convent

1) Becoming a Holy Sister of a Clerical Order
a) Eligibility

Holy Sisters can be of any Year, providing that they are female.

b) Process

Any candidate must make an appeal to a Holy Authority stating their intentions of joining a Convent. Their name, as well as the name of the Clerical Order they are joining, must be recorded.

2) Becoming a Prioress of a Clerical Order

Prioresses are only used when Clerical Orders become too large for one Abbess to manage.

a) Eligibility

A Prioress must be at least a 3rd Year.

b) Process

The process is the same as becoming an Abbess, except that Prioresses are usually chosen by the Abbess of their Clerical Order from among her Nuns.

3) Becoming an Abbess of a Clerical Order
a) Eligibility

An Abbess of a Clerical Order must be a 4th Year.

b) Process

Abbesses head a specific Clerical Order. They make their appeal to be given the title, as well as to create their Convent, to the Highest Holy Authority in Residence. The new Clerical Order must be recorded so that members may be recorded in the future.

4) Becoming the Reverend Mother
a) Eligibility

Only 4th Year females can become the Reverend Mother of all the Convents. It is also suggested that she also have attended TiP at East Term II for at least two years.

b) Process

The Reverend Mother is chosen by the Highest Holy Authority each year to head the Convents, much in the same way that the Pope is chosen.

(ii) Joining a Monastery

1) Becoming a Holy Brother of an Order
a) Eligibility

Holy Brothers can be of any Year, providing that they are male.

b) Process

Any candidate must make an appeal to a Holy Authority stating their intentions of joining a Monastery. Their name, as well as the name of the Clerical Order they are joining, must be recorded.

2) Becoming a Prior of an Order

Priors are only used when Clerical Orders become too large for one Abbot to manage.

a) Eligibility

A Prior must be at least a 3rd Year.

b) Process

The process is the same as becoming an Abbot, except that Priors are usually chosen by the Abbot of their Clerical Order from among his Monks.

3) Becoming an Abbot of an Order
a) Eligibility

An Abbot of a Clerical Order must be a 4th Year

b) Process

Abbots head a specific Clerical Order. They make their appeal to be given the title, as well as to create their Monastery, to the Highest Holy Authority in Residence. The new Clerical Order must be recorded so that members may be recorded in the future.

4) Becoming the Reverend Father
a) Eligibility

Only 4th Year males can become the Reverend Father of all the Monasteries. It is also suggested that he also have attended TiP at East Term II for at least two years.

b) Process

The Reverend Father is chosen by the Highest Holy Authority each year to head the Monasteries, much in the same way that the Pope is chosen.

(iii) Becoming a Unattached Cleric

1) Becoming a Hermit

Hermits can be of both sexes. They are merely Clerics that are not attached to any official Order. They must, however, answer to the Reverend Father or Mother, depending on their sex, but not to any lesser Cleric.

a) Process

Hermits follow the same process as Monks and Nuns.

2) Becoming a Consecrated Virgin

Consecrated Virgins can also be of both sexes. They follow the same guidelines as Hermits, but also must swear to live a celibate life while at TiP. They are the only Clerics to do so.

a) Process

Consecrated Virgins follow the same process as Monks and Nuns.

Section 3.04 The Appointment of the Holy Spirit

Before the end of the 2nd Week, a Holy Spirit must be chosen by the Highest Holy Authority in Residence from among the male 4th Years. He shall hold that title for the duration of term. At the end of term, he relinquishes the rights to the active title and joins the ranks of the Former Holy Spirits. Only one Holy Spirit is chosen each year.

Section 3.05 The Appointment of the Archangel

By the beginning of Leaving Day, the highest Holy Authority in Residence must choose a 3rd Year girl to become the Archangel for the subsequent year.

Section 3.06 The Appointment of Special Religious Figures and Titles

Any Special Religious Figures and Titles are to be appointed at the digression of the Holy Authorities in Residence. There is no set process for their appointment, but their appointment must be recorded.

Article IV. Excommunication from the Order

Excommunication is up to the Holy Authorities in Residence. If they feel any member of the Order has significantly failed to uphold their duties or is explicitly working against the teachings of the Order, then they may convene to decide if the person under consideration is to be excommunicated. If the grievance is not great enough for excommunication, then the person can be simply revoked of their Titles and given the new Title of Usurper.