Margaret LaMarche

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Margaret LaMarche participated in Duke TiP at Georgia Tech during Term 2 of 2017. She was a 1st year 4th year in the Neuroscience class. She was in the rag RC Taylor's Tyrannosauruses and was part of MARZ (the very tight friend group which included herself, Ananyaa Bharadwaj, Rylee Holland, and Zoƫ Rozine). She was known for her iconic Tide Pod t-shirt. Once she even brought a Tide pod to class (which Ananyaa popped, spilling detergent everywhere). She describes a lot of things as "dope."

Margaret was one out of six 4th years to sneak out and jump in the big fountain near the student center on amnesty night. The other 5 were Ananyaa, Rylee, Zoe, Josh, and Ben.