Megan Rusconi-Warner

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Minions.jpg Megan Caffeinated Rusconi-Warner
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Megan Rusconi-Warner is the worst person in the world...because she can no longer return to TIP in the future. She will forever be the craziest, awesome'est, hippie'est, hipster'est girl on the planet. If you ever have the extreme honor of meeting her, take her out for some coffee and buy her an MGMT CD, a Snickers Bar, and some Choo-Choo's she will forever love you. Dont worry about what she does, because no matter what, you will love her forever. (and that includes if the first time you ever talk to her is by stealing her, and another 4th year's, joke thunder). and never judge her, she may become your mother within the spance of a few short, and the best, weeks of your life.