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The Nikiki's were an all girls RC group on the 1st floor of Basset Duke East , Term 1 2013 . They were led by their fearless leader Nikiki (Niki).

They included:

  • Annie
  • Dayln
  • Jennifer (a.k.a Snaps)
  • Stephanie
  • Chihye
  • Diana
  • Jessica
  • Allison ( Ally) Ally here. Don't call me Allison O.O
  • Christina ( a.k.a carrot)
  • Annie
  • Niki
  • And of course: Nikiki (RC)

Honorary Members

  • Tiffany
  • Michael( a.k.a Scott)

The Beginning

Chiyhe and Diana had just met and they were looking for people to play apples to apples with. So they yelled down the hall " Hey, Who wants to play apples to apples?" Four girls responded. Christina, Jessica, Niki( the tipster), and Tiffany. They bonded, they played apples to apples, and Tip was forever changed.

The summoning

On the last night of tip,also Snaps's birthday, the Nikiki's summoned the most perfect human being known to man, Karen Gillan. They had her picture on Niki's phone, on top of a pentagram, surrounded by fruit loops( iron). At midnight they began. They put on their ceremonial cloaks, linked hands and began rotating around the circle chanting "Ka-za, Ka-za, Who-ha-ha!" Repeatedly for 7 minutes and 6 seconds (6:66). Also included in this ritual were non- Nikiki's Rachel and Isaac. Not included was Ally because the RAG completely forgot about her. Though most said that it was unsuccessful Isaac and Diana maintain that they saw her for a split second.

Notable Quotes

Stephanie: This isn't a group hug, this is kidnapping.

Stephanie: Socialism: Sunny with a chance of communism

Dayln: Before I cam to Tip I had no idea fangirling was a verb.

Chihye:This is my Doctor Who shirt.

Chihye: Why is he going into seizure mode?

Green is not a creative color! (this was started by Mira, a friend of a couple Nikiki's but mainly Ally)

Christina: My guinea pig died of an lavender allergic reaction.


Diana: Communism isn't a bad idea it has just never been implemented properly.

The magic of Apples to Apples

WE HAVE CREATED THE MOST ANNOYING THING ON THE PLANET! A feminist intellectual witch playing Puff Daddy on the Bongo with my hair.

Leaf blowers are magical.

My body is organic