Relationtips (TU)
From the archives of TiPWiki, the unofficial Duke TIP Wiki
2015 Term 1
- Nacho/his hats
- Floors 1 & 3/lice
- Nick/Timbi
- Raly
- Joe/Emma (Jemma)
2018 Term 2
- John/Kaylee
- Ben/idk someone enter the name of that girl
- Tony/Madi
- Nick/his crocs n socs
- Cici/Kiran (even tho he was paid it still worked out I guess)
- Kennedy(aka Flying Goat)/Christopher(aka Topher the Gopher)---[Flying Gopher]
- May(aka Caspian)/Frank---[Fraspian]
- Rebecca/Lucas (Lubecca)
- Sophie/Supernova (aka Sohi) - SOPHIENOVA
- Andrei/Hope
- Jonah/Zara
- Asher/Hat
- Asher/Adeline [ASHELINE]
add more please
2019 Term 2
- Sean/Charlotte <3 [Seanette]