Can someone add what went on with the Llama in Two-thousand-and-swine
i think the llama was still passed on to a new third year despite the issues with the swine flu. Don't worry, the llama lives ON. it will be back next year! ;)
As a 3rd year as of the "stealing" of the Llama, this TIPster does not understand the action or the explanation for it. Just the fact that Alli was willing to hand the Llama to a 2nd year mere moments after she had nearly had her taken was proof that Alli trusted the TIPster and knew that the Llama was to be shared. It is quite amusing to note that the same people who say the Llama belongs to all TIPsters also call this action a "stealing", defined by Merriam-Webster as "to take the property of another wrongfully and especially as a habitual or regular practice", meaning that not only do they not believe that the Llama belonged to them (if it is your property, you are not taking the property of another), but they also admit that the taking of the Llama was a "wrongful" action! The taking of the Llama was a clear violation of the Llama Mama's trust, and if these TIPsters truly lloved the Llama, they would never hurt someone so near and dear to her heart. Honestly, it is entirely probable that the 2nd years did, in fact, think that they lloved the Llama, and did not think through the consequences of their actions and how much they would injure all those filled with llove. Or they could have completely understood these ramifications and decided to be jerks anyway. On a side note, "stealing fair and square" is clearly a contradictory phrase. [I am very amused that someone deleted this from the actual page. XD]