Tess' Tens

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The following are Tess' Tens (and turtles) along with their roommates

Abigail Wandoff / Casey Langer

Daniela Garcia / Electra Szmukler

Megan Liu / Michelle Xu

Maya Abul-Khoudoud / Addie

Uma Natesan / Christina

Reese Poe / Eve

Linny / Havana Frakes

The name Tess's Tens was created when the rag was trying to figure out a word that started with a T like Tess. There was turkey, tree, etc...then, turtle became and idea for "Tess's Turtles." But, "Tess's Tens" became the official name when they figured that every 14 of them in the rag was about a 0.7/10 (in looks)...so if each person was a 0.7, then they would all add up to about a 10/10 collectively.

This rag was obviously the best rag of Duke East 2015. They became best friends and were practically sisters. The very first night of TIP, they bonded over a very special movie...they have had so many inside jokes with each other including "Doctor Pastor" and "dunking everyone who sinned in holy water" and "southern tide"

Rag Nights

On the first rag night, Tess's Tens sat in the Pegram non-airconditioned lounge on the third floor and sweated to death while watching Mean Girls and eating pizza.

On the second rag night, they had no choice but to attempt to make cupcakes in a cake pan while being told not to eat the cake batter or else Casey and Reese would get salmonella and die.

On the third rag night, they waited an hour to ride in the car to go eat Chipotle with Chris' Rag. After that, they waited to do a water fight with Chris' Rag. However, they had to wait for quite a while because Tess apparently told Chris that the rag wasn't up to doing the water fight (Tess wanted to have her own free time without her lovely friends in her rag). Eventually, Tess' rag found Chris and did the water fight with his rag and had a lot of fun without their friend Tess.

"Are we friends Tess?" "ABSOLUTELY NOT."

"Anyone want to give me a foot rub? No? Okay I guess we aren't that close yet then."