The Door Opening Incedent

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This scandal occurred at West Campus in Term II (2018). Around midnight one day during the last week of TIP, the on-site director (John) walked around opening unlocked Tipster’s doors. Locked doors were tried, but the person outside would move on if they couldn’t get it open. He’d take a quick glance around the room, and make a brief comment if one/both of the tipsters in that room were awake. He told some people to lock their doors, others to get off of their electronic devices, and asked others if they were alright. Prior to this incedent, it was reported that certain RCs recommend that people lock their doors. The TIP group chat was flooded with rumors and recommendations for people to lock their doors.

There were multiple explanations given as to why John went around opening doors. Some people with blue lanyards claimed that some Tipsters were missing. However, an official report supposedly stated that John was investigating due to “suspicious” noises. According to an unnamed admin source, John claimed that he was opening doors because people’s lights were on. This wouldn’t make sense however, as he opened doors to rooms where the lights were off. John also supposedly told the TAs to calm everyone down about the incident. There is another rumor floating around that a Tipster snuck in someone who wasn’t a part of the program. This can’t be confirmed, however. Furthearmore, another rumor floating around is that John may have been intoxicated during the indecent. A few industrious tipsters went out into the hallway after the door checking stopped. Interior hallway doors were found to be closed, and all seemed to be quiet but normal.

Some people report having heard dogs, but these reports are unconfirmed. Those who believe that there were dogs claim either that they were search dogs or that they are owned by the RC Patrick V.

There was a lot of talk on campus about the incident. Duke is supposedly investigating (as there may have been a violation of dorm rules), and many tipsters complained to their parents. Supposedly, some of the parents are thinking about suing. Still, other tipsters are planning on complaining internally.