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I'm MaximustheMagnificent. You may know me as "that girl who walked around in a shower cap and dyed her hair red with Kool-Aid." Or "that girl who wrote that weird play with the hairdryer people." Or "the hyper one." Or "Legolas." I'm going to be a fourth year. This is tragic. But I'm going to go out with a proverbial bang. Get ready. Today I packed my giant blue steamer trunk. Because I'm leaving on a long trip that'll end up in Durham. I can't wait until Term 2.

Year TiPyear Campus Term Course Dorm RAG
2005 2nd Duke East I The Past is the Present: Evolution of Fantasy Literature Alspaugh Chris
2006 3rd Duke East II Writing For the Stage Giles Christina
2007 4th Duke East II Revolution and Terror Bassett Allison