Beyoncé was the Goddess of Creative Writing: Express Yourself (Davidson) at Davidson, Term 1 2015. Though all fourteen of us were devout worshipers of Her Holy Flawlessness, we were stopped from talking about Her by the wicked TA and teacher. We chose to refer to Her as Beethoven, yet the clever TA figured us out. Immediately. It didn't work for a second. If we mentioned Her by any of Her names (Queen B, Baethoven, Beethoven, Beyoncé) we would get our Flawless buttons taken away. I never lost my flawless button, personally, but Agastya did all the time. And Carson. I don't recall anyone else losing it, though note it here if you did. Those two were true servants of the Goddess, and She shall surely bless them in the afterlife.
Fun fact: Beyoncé was also banned in at Davidson during Term One of 2018 with Josh as the instructor and Lexie as the TA.
If you are in Creative Writing: Express Yourself and Camilly is the TA and/or Chloe is the teacher, please request Beyoncé songs. Please. And tell me how it goes.
If you have any comments about the Goddess, please post them here. As for I, I cannot listen to Her singing without feeling sorrow and remembering the glorious time I spent at TIP. But it helps me to write, so it's a double-edged sword, I suppose.
May Queen B bestow you with blessings for eternity.