Cole Pospisil

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Cole Pospisil is a teacher of Mobius Strips, Klein Bottles, and Fractals: The Mathematics of Distortion. He was a TA at Tech Term I and East Term II in 2016, a teacher at East in 2017, and a teacher at Tech in 2018.


Not much is known about this period of Cole’s life, exept for a low quality video showing his role as a titan in the TA’s performance of “The Gospel Truth” from Disney’s Hercules, and a note from one of his students at East saying that “He probably hated us all.”


This year Cole was a teacher at East. Because he had more power as a teacher, he used said power to bring some of his personal tastes into the classroom, such as giving impossible puzzles for his students to solve, and showing the movie Flatland. He also may have scored a INSANE 16,900 points at asteroids. His shirts from this year consist of a purple shirt with “Kline Bottle Club” written on the back, as well as a light steel one with “Attend to your chromatizations”, a quote from the movie Flatland.