Maya Havens

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Blessed in foosball with the gift of the foos and always rockin' red lobster slippers. At Austin College 2016 term one, she dabbed so hard during the second dance that she got whiplash. She is said to have that dankest memes out of all TIPsters in the history of TIP (MAYBE EVER). During her second year of TIP at LSU term one 2017, she and three other TIPsters by the names of Jack Little, David Cordero, and Alixia Helton asked RC Quon to the last TIP dance. He said no, but it's all good because it then turned into a romantic TIP promposal for Maya from Jack.

Also Known As

Mayo Hellman's




MaYUH (Hopefully this one dies out soon)

Inside Jokes

-Having my first kiss? N O T H A N K S, I P R E F E R T H E E T E R N A L J O Y O F Y E E T I N G E V E R Y O N E

-Lexie look, it's JP!!!!!!! *nudges Lexie, points to JP*

-Lexie look, it's JP!!!!!!! *Lexie is nowhere around, points to JP anyway*

-David F. Boyd Hall (Creds to Maya)

-Thomas D. Boyd Hall (Creds to Maya??)

-"You're disgusting."

-"We know."

-"Get out."

-"When you only eat a whole chicken breast."

Where to Find Her

-Going to the bathroom every five minutes during dinner

-Worshipping Quon

-Probably in the rec room

Previous Habitats

Term 1: Austin College 2016 Term One (Creative Writing)

Term 2: Louisiana State University 2017 Term One (Algebra 2)


Term 1: Jeffrey (Austin College)

Term 2: Jack (Louisiana State University)