Michael Cairo

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Year Year at TIP Campus Term Course Dorm RC Roommate(s)
2012 2nd UGA II The Brain Myers Hall Micah Jacob Mahaylee
2013 3rd UGA II Philosophy of Knowledge Myers Hall Geoff Jonathan Dishmond

Michael Cairo was born in Hyesan Province of the Democratic Peoples of Korea near the border with the People Republic of China, that's also very close to the border of the Russian Federation,which used to be the Union Soviet Socialist Repbricks, and now border the one party state of Belarus. He likes long walks on the beach, sunsets, cuddling up with a good book on a rainy night, pina coladas, getting caught in the rain. He is not into yoga, heath foods and has half a brain. Michael Cairo is famous for leading the Commonwealth at the LARPing evening activity, wearing a Teletubbie costume to the dances, and going on promenade in his footies. Michael is an outspoken atheist as well as a radical leftist. He can be caught on the Balcony at Myers hall on his freetime being loud and sarcastic. Michael seems to be on another level of "I don't give a sh*t" as he often times enjoys making a total fool of himself. He prides himself in being well versed in the arcane ways of the world.