TipSync performance of JB's "Baby"

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Arguably one of the most influential pieces of contemporary art, expertly choreographed by such bros as Emma Nohara-LeClair, Jordan, Jessica, Cynthia, and Sarah. Flawlessly executed by the entirety of RC Taylor's Dabbing Dudebros on the night of June 23 of the Year of Our Lord 2017.


On the first day of Tip, the Dabbing Dudebros decided that they needed to go out in a bang...quite literally. Coincidentally, the most effortless method of 'going out with a bang' involved highly accessible three-spoked plastic toys. The thirteen intellectual intellectuals decided to purchase these microscopic contraptions, due to the fact that any form of contact with one of them was a sure method of social suicide (hence the 'going out with a bang' reference). From this initial inspiration, the thirteen philosophical pterodactyls focused their efforts in finding a song that would match the beauty and sauciness of the expertly crafted crime against humaity that they planned to do. Two songs stood out in the large array of subpar syncopated stylistic songs: Justin Bieber's debut single "Baby" and Jacob Sartorius' seemingly seductive "Sweatshirt". Due to the fact that the Thirteen did not want to be associated with naked mole rats with problematic lyrics regarding attractive females and not-so-attractive males, they decided to instead choose "Baby".

Disclaimer: The Thirteen's choosing of JB's "Baby" under no circumstances should be considered an act of irony. We firmly believe that Justin is a fine young lad, and that he would have been a good, honest, and respectable fourth year boy. To quote the exceptionally enlightened neo-Siddhartha Gautama (more commonly known as Emma), "Justin Bieber's "Baby" is a beautiful bit of misogynistic heteronormativity that is unparalleled in terms of quality of acoustics, lyrical choice, and execution. Mr. Bieber took a major dub with this song, however; his demise came shortly after he decided to continue to release various pieces of angsty pre-puberty vibrations in MP3 form. By doing this, Mr. Bieber took a bigger L than the United States did in the Vietnam War."

The Great Fidget Spinner Revolution

Much like the great Sexual Revolution of the 1960s, the Great Fidget Spinner Revolution of 2017 truly transformed the world we lived in by challenging formerly unopposed societal norms and practices. The Great Fidget Spinner Revolution of 2017 serves as an example to us as to the utmost importance and superiority of capitalism over all other forms of coerced labor and terrible working conditions available to the humanoid race in the latter part of the 21st century. Though primary inspired by neo-Colonialism and empty promises, these lil pieces of plastic purgatory served as a major factor in the shift of global powers. Instead of the Minecraft-playing and coach-calling second year boys receiving synthetic praise and adoration, the fourth year girls finally received the respect they deserved. This revolutionary switch of power and honor is directly correlated to the introduction of fidget spinners into the sophisticated fourth-year lexicon.

June 17th of 2017 will forever be a relevant date in the grand scheme of key events in the Great Fidget Spinner Revolution of 2017. This wholesome date marks the loss of thirteen 'fidget spinner virginities'. Prior to this date, all thirteen members of the Dabbing Dudebros had not yet been exposed to the harsh and cruel elements of the big bad world, and lived lives of seclusion. Comparable to the semipermeable membrane of the almighty animal cell, this group of family-friendly individuals allowed only the purest of propaganda to enter into their lives.


RC Taylor's Dabbing Dudebros met early on the night of June 23rd in order to look poppin for their evening performance. The group of spicy dudebros met at the crisp hour of 6:37 pm in order to ensure that each member received either a fresh frat face or a super sorority setup.

The performance room was a little bit toastier than expected, but the Dabbing Dudebros did not disappoint. Never ones to fall short of excruciatingly strict and demanding expectations, this righteous group of righteous dudes riggity rekt the other competitors. Following the lead of renowned dancers and creative connoisseurs Emma, Jessica, and Cynthia, the Dabbing Dudebros were able to take that "dub" (hypothetically speaking, of course).