Won Special

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One day, he got bored and started tossing in napkins, fruit, beloved cookies, salad and dressing, whole apples which he jammed in with a knife which often got stuck in the apple, and don't forget, he unscrewed the salt and pepper. This attracted everyone's attention, as his friend Wonmeyong could chug the whole thing. Eventually, the recipes broadened, and they started experimenting with fries, whole bottles of ketchup, and of course other sodas. AmazinglyWon drank it all up. All like it was nothing. But one thing stayed the same, and that was the blue power aid. There were many accounts of these stories, both by his RC Group and his class this attracted Joseph's attention, and he became friends and two of the most "well known" tipsters at Davidson that year, for reasons well known to most (ie legendary trouble making and pranks)


In 2015 at West Term One, there were 3 4th year tipsters still left from that year(who had gone to tip with each other for all 4 Years): Stillman, Kevin Bowerman, and . Remembering how nasty the original Stillman Surprise was, Max suggested that they each drink one on the last night during dinner in commemoration of their 4 years together. And so, the blue poweraide flowed, the salt was unscrewed, and nasty faces were shared while the 3 toasted their times at TiP. Max, being an idiot, chugged the whole nasty cup down, to the shock of Kevin and Stillman.

"'It honestly wasn't too bad -Max Correa