ADF Friday
Originally called ADFing Friday, ADF Friday was created by Katherine Luking, Jessica Brady and Jane Hu in 02, and with the help of many friends to implement the plan, TIPsters dressed up in dance attire [leotards, tights, gym shorts, tanktops, bandanas] to mock the attendees of the nearby American Dance Festival camp. Some TIPsters were dressed so convincingly that they were mistaken for ADFers by actual ADFers. It was outlawed in 2003, and the fate of the tradition is unknown, as its first participants have since grown too old to go back to TIP.
Edit by Eowyn of Bassett: In 2005 the tradition was partially revived by the fourth year Rebecca "Becky" Fienglos of Monica's RAG. She and a few friends dressed up in very realistic ADF-like garb, and were indeed mistaken for ADFers. They did not get in trouble with any RC.
Edit by Logan Wall: At Term II 2003, in protest of the ban, several TIPsters dressed as ADFers for one of the dances.
Edit by Rainy Rues: As of Term II 2007 and 2008 ADF Friday is going strong.
Edit by Max Silbiger: ADF Friday was definitely scheduled for Term II 2009 before the term was cancelled.
"Edit by Emma": ADF Friday was banned at Term II 2010 because, according to the RCs, by dressing as ADFers, we were "viciously mocking them."
ADF Friday went ahead with no trouble at Term II 2011!
While definitely a bigger deal on Term II than Term I, ADF Friday is still happening on both as of 2014
As of 2015 Term 1, ADF Friday was made a big deal by a group of some fourth years and a third year (Famous Members: Stripes, Andrew Toale, and Maggie Ryals) leading other tipsters in a workout dance and various dance-off's throughout the day. (The members of the "Dance Crew" felt the burn the next day as all three of them struggled to walk due to thigh pain from all the glorious squats performed)