Max Wolff

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Max Wolff
Max, not even pictured
Campus(es) Appalachian State University Term II, UGA Term II
Attended 2014, 2015, 2016
Course(s) Theater Arts, Algebra II, Cryptography
RAG(s) Jon, Cassidy, Tonte
Roommate(s) Ryan, Trevor, Jesus Garcia
Social Media


Max Wolff is an individual who stays up past lights out, stays on Tumblr, and drinks a disgusting mix of drinks that turn green. He has created several memes over the course of 2 years, and never has enough information to decipher the encrypted text. Max was also one of the four people who passed his Duke TiP Algebra II exam in a class of 16.


Active blogger who has a variety of likes and interests such as: Steven Universe, Gravity Falls, Team Fortress 2, Brawlhalla, Minecraft, and Youtube.

UGA Term 2, 2016

Max was one of the people to enter Myers Hall later in the day, and failed to notice his friend directly behind him. He got roomed with his friend Jesus Garcia, but he was only one of the three 3rd years in his RC group. His RC, Tonte, had their door decs as soccer players from one team because "We're a team and we need to act like one". His Cryptography class started off with nobody in the class being able to decipher anybody's messages, and it ended the exact same way. Along the way, he and his friend Drew created the Spicy Bois, and Max was TOATALLY one of the top ranked people in his class. He was surprisingly good at the card game ERS, and he also created Dabs (it's like tongues and spoons, but you dab). His presentation on the audio codes of SIGSALY was lit, and hasn't been presented yet.