Ruby Walker

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Ruby Walker
Campus(es) Trinity Term II, Duke East Term II
Attended 2014, 2015
Course(s) Visual Art, Bach to Rock
RAG(s) Dana's, Alicia's
Roommate(s) Nicole, Tosca Langbert
Social Media

Ruby is an incoming third year tipster. She is 14 years old and 5'7". She would be best described as fairly loud and vaguely ginger. Like most tipsters, she carries a great amount of tip spirit, and is always looking for a good time. She hopes to someday apply her plaster sculpture skills to give the Llama a much needed repair job.

Term II 2014 at Trinity

Ruby arrived at Trinity in 2014 like everyone else, slightly confused and very nervous. Being a Texas resident, it was only an hours drive from home. She took Visual Arts, went to many museums, praised butt chin jesus, and argued the value of minimalism. At tigerfest, she was on green team. Ruby joined in the chants "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!" and "Not last place!" with great fervor and enthusiasm. She was in Dana's RAG and lived in Prassel with everyone else.

Term II 2015 at Duke East

Ruby flew into Durham, NC and was pretty tired by the time she actually got to the campus. She took Bach to Rock, learning about the wonders of prog rock and 12 tone screaming. She enjoyed both regular and sock puppet improv, chilled on the quad, browsed dank memes, and generally had a blast. At East she met many great friends, and reunited with old ones, including Tosca, Caroline, Flannery, Ethan, Dave, Prayo, Rachel, and Maggie. Both of Ruby's superlatives in the term book referenced her inexplicable and intense passion for disco music. Ruby also accidentally stole a tie from the Tie Cult, but has decided to buy several new ties to replace it next year.