The Fall

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The Fall of June 27th is the event in which 11 amazing RC’s, now dubbed the The Legendary 11, including (full names have been removed, as listing full names makes the information google-able and accessible to future employers and grad school) disappeared from Wake Forest.

Following a chaotic day of Quadfest and the Talent Show, some of the RC’s went to a site near Wake Forest frequented often by the staff for off-duty drinks. They were told that the spot was off campus and therefore not in violation of the alcohol policy. Indeed, other staff had frequented the area with some of the Legendary 11 previously. However, one RC suffered a serious injury, to which the RC’s immediately responded by calling other RC's to drive the injured to the hospital. It has been confirmed that there were no illegal drugs involved (update: cocaine is 100% illegal). They stayed all night by his side, returning at 6:45 AM.

The next day, the 11 RC’s were immediately fired, leaving only 5, despite 2 of the 11 had complete permission to have left campus. All RC’s involved were removed, and many others (including Caroline and Adam who were not present at the incident). The first fear was that they had been made to leave because of turmoil in the administration which had continued throughout the term, as it was known that there was friction between the RC’s and the higher powers. Though rumors dispelled this, the exact grounds upon which the RC’s were removed remains unclear. However, under North Carolina law, no reason for termination is required.

We returned to find their rooms empty and cleaned out, with only a few remaining traces that they had ever been there. Name tags left on doors, a pair of sunglasses, a bag of detergent pods, the trash cans filled with the remnants of emptied fridges. No goodbyes had been made, sparking confusion and distress among us all. This was stretched further by the fact that all remaining staff withheld all information, leaving the TiPsters in the dark. Knowing them, the only explanation is that communication was prohibited or that they were threatened, as we know they would not have left without a goodbye, nor forsaken us without a fight. It is reported that they were given an hour to pack their bags and leave the premises under threat of no paycheck, and some students who had returned to the dorms reported seeing them standing with their suitcases in the rain. No one yet knows where they went or how.

A campus-wide day of mourning has been declared on June 27th, in memory of the RC’s who disappeared during the Fall. All the students under their care will miss them and will cherish the memories of the two weeks we had together forever. You are forever buried deep in our hearts. Wherever you are, we hope you find this: We love you RC’s! We will never forget you. #missrc

Definite information as of 11:20 on June 27, 2016: It began during break on June 27, when several students heard TAs and instructors talking in hushed voices about how something was "unfair." Due to the continued under performance of WFU administration, few suspected anything worse than usual, but campers began panicking when they found that 11/16 of the RCs at the time were missing. Caroline the RC left a note on her hall saying that she might not be coming back, setting off a distraught and tearful free time. TAs took over on behalf of the missing RCs, and over the course of dinner, evening study, program activities, and free time, it was discovered that the 11 had been fired for breaking a rule and were not returning. The result was more panic, especially when the third floor was evacuated. Fiona's roommate was moved the same night for unrelated reasons. According to administration new RCs will be coming from other North Carolina campuses tomorrow, probably during class. RC groupnights will be postponed or cancelled until further notice, and program activities are subject to change and will, according to one of the remaining RCs, be very improvised. More updates to come.

Update: The Legendary 11 have been replaced. It has been reported that Collins Hall is on the verge of instantaneous combustion, a threat only quelled by the constant flow of tears that courses the hallways and soaks every brick of the building. See 3rd Floor Evacuation

Update: As of 12:04, July 2nd, a RC has revealed through Skype that the official reason for termination was that while they thought that there was at least 50% of RCs still on campus, it was in actuality only 49%.

Additional Update: The Truth: How this happened, was, two RC's (Which shall remain unnamed for reasons stated above) were irritated by the local administrations inherent knack for warping the schedule, resulting in confusion. They decided, against better judgement in retrospect, to go out and either get some food or some drinks (We remain unclear on this point). Regardless, the two RC's gained permission from the RHL, and left campus under the belief that all was okay. A while later, about halfway through their food/drinks/whatever, they texted another RC about what was going on, as the third RC was worried. A few minutes later, out of the blue, the third RC arrived at the place with six other RC's. This was very bad, as it meant that less than 8 RC's were on-site, and that Duke TIP policies had been violated, and they could all be fired. Realizing this, the RC's all attempted to leave and return to Collins Hall immediately. Somewhere in this fiasco, one of the RC's fell off of a wall, resulting in the above mentioned hospitalization. Following this, early in the morning, the RC's walked in, and had been fired before they even got there. Granted, the second group of RC's were probably in the wrong (Given that they had left the Hall without any permission whatsoever), the original two were even admitted to having been entirely allowed to have been doing, they were still eliminated as general purge of those involved. (And to those members of the Duke TIP home office that are reading this, because we know they are: Did I get anything wrong?)

Update: Those of us on the red team have the sad proclamation that Jakob has not, and will never now win a Quad Fest. We will always remember the Legendary 11, no matter the year. I know that at least two of us will be wearing red, no matter what team we are on. #RedWillBeRemembered #ToWhich #ItsThatTimeOfTheMonth

There are two seals, sitting in a bathtub, filled with warm Crisco. One seal turns to the other and says: Hey, can you pass the soap? To which...! To which, To which, The other replied: What do I look like, a type writer? #WeMissYouJakob!!

There are two penguins sitting in a bathtub, full of warm water. One penguin turns to the other and says: Hey, can you pass the soap? To which.... to which.... to which the other replied: What do I look like, a refrigerator?

There are 11 RC's sitting in a bathtub, full of cool alcohol. The first RC turns to the rest and says: Hey, can you pass the soap? To which.... to which the rest reply: What do I look like, an administrator subject to HR rules?

There are two pelicans, sitting in a gulf, full of warm petroleum. One pelican turns to the other and says: Hey, can you pass 3.5 million miles of destroyed coastline? To which... to which! to which the other replies: What do I look like, a nonprofit organization trying to clean up BP's big mistake?

The Legendary 11 Remember 6/27

Grellow is not a color #RIPgrellow

Wow another Update: The RC groups of the RCs that got transferred to Wake Forest were very much traumatized and missed their RCs very much. There was a lot of crying and unhappiness with the transfer. The skies poured that day Annie told us she had to leave and spend the last few days without us. We love y'all, Annie and Mary.

Yet another update: People whose RCs left them to come to Wake Forest, we are very grateful that you made this sacrifice for us in our time of need. Though we may not have all... ahem, gotten along, they pulled us through our last stressful week. Thank you.