The Great Twizzler Feed of 2013

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One fateful Saturday on the renowned balcony of Myers Hall, a bag of Twizzlers appeared. This bag was shared amongst a group of friends talking about a multitude of random topics in a conversation that could have only happened at TiP. Many of the members of the group ate some of the Twizzlers, while others expressed their dislike of all things licorice. Michael Cairo was one of the people who did not consume any licorice, but he still took many Twizzlers. These were no ordinary Twizzlers; these were cherry flavored Twizzlers, which are braided strings of cherry flavored licorice braided together. Instead of consuming these Twizzlers, Michael Cairo would unbraid them into several strings and stick those together to form very long strands of Twizzler. Many things were done with these, and many members of the group were injured by them or startled with them, as well as several innocent bystanders and passerby. The most important things that was done with these Twizzlers was the Great Twizzler Feed of 2013.

The Event

The Great Twizzler Feed of 2013