Katherine, "Kat" , was a four by four (went to TAMU term 2 all four years), and was "the ultimate tipster" as referred to by BEE, because she led most of the 4th year activities.
She was known as Audrey D.'s twin, or Barbie after being Barbie in Roll Call.
She is known for having her "sistertip" with Dallas C, Audrey D, Megan C, Nikki A, Christina G., and Jessica S. Her brother's are OT, John Winn, Guneev, and Blake.
Achievements Include:
Discovering why the amazing RC Tim Cho did not return to TAMU term 2 summer of 2010
Being known as a SERIAL killer (not really!)in her neuropsych class
Inventing a silent communication for the TAMU 2 illness "plague" of 2010
photographing most events until her 2 SIM cards were full
messiest room
being the first to drop her dinner tray, and getting a standing ovation
being in the most well documented Shower Party with Jessica S.
Getting felon-style arrested at Pi R Square for DEMONSTRATION ONLY.
Fourth year she organized the Harry Potter Prank, co-organized the balloon prank, led the singing of "I'll make a Man Out of You", was Barbie at Roll Call, and swallowed the cup in the 4th year CREST challenge!
Getting scolded for holding her BFF (Guneev's) hand
Winning at Ducky-Diving for her aggressive tactics
2008: Carrie
2009: Meridith
2010: Felicia
2011: Barbara
2008: The Villain in Literature and Pop Culture (Amy Montz)
2009: Criminal Law and Mock Trial (Alisha)
2010: Neuropsychology (Aisha)
2011: Inspired Writing (Jonterri)