Rice Dream

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A delightful lactose-free equivalent to milk, this tasty beverage is available in the East Campus Union store and at Whole Foods. It comes in a paper carton by the gallon or convenient juice box-like packaging, and its flavors include "original" and "vanilla." Rice Dream has also become a bit of a legend, thanks to Chris Collins, East Term I 2003.

Chris was always quite a fan of Rice Dream. He put it in his Special K with Red Berries. He bought a carton each day at lunch. He tried to share his love of the drink with his classmates in "" and with his friends. In fact, he won many to his cause. But Chris's mission only reached fruition in combination with his other love, that of filmmaking. Chris and his friends were well known for their movies, which included such subjects as the hunt for their friend Doug. Their latest creation was named for its starring beverage, Rice Dream. In it, an unsuspecting TIPster drinks the milk substitute and experiences THE RICE DREAM. With such cinematographic effects as disappearing TIPsters, tennis balls growing from trees, a well-aimed frisbee throw, and alteration between first-person and third-person shooter, the film was an immediate success. It first aired in the Bassett's common room, and soon most TIPsters had seen it and the Union store had completely sold out of Rice Dream.

Another note-worthy display of Rice Dream affection took place on the final class day of that term, when the Thinking the Unthinkable class (whose tshirt artwork was inspired by the Rice Dream packaging) had a ceremonial Rice Dream drinking. All present had to share a favorite moment before sipping the sacred beverage from a juice box.

Although Rice Dream appreciation seems to have abated in the ensuing years, the legend lives on in the hearts and minds of all who experienced the magic first-hand.